Aura Cacia – Essential Oil Clary Sage – 0.5 Fl Oz


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Aura cacia essential oil, clary sage is a floral, musk-like oil that has a balancing property. This rich oil is perfect in a skin refresher. This 100% pure essential oil must be diluted properly since it may irritate the skin. Each bottle of aura cacia essential oil, clary sage contains 0.5 fl. Oz. Of product. See label for warnings.
country of origin : united states
size : .5 fz
pack of : 1
selling unit : each
ingredients : salvia sclarea;clary sage;oil
keywords : aromatherapy;balancing;floral;pure;refreshing

Additional information

Weight 0.11 kg
Dimensions 1.07 × 1.07 × 2.97 cm

Aura, Cacia



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