Three Wishes – Cereal Honey Gluten Free – Case Of 6-8.6 Oz


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8 g protein per serving. 3 g sugar per serving. More protein: 2.5x more protein than leading honey sweetened cereal (our cereal contains 8 g protein per 35 g. The leading honey sweetened cereal contains 3 g protein per 35 g). Less sugar: 70% less sugar than the leading honey sweetened cereal (our cereal contains 3 g sugar per 35 g. The leading honey sweetened cereal contains 11 g sugar per 35 g). Zero grains. Three wishes: 8 g protein; 3 g sugar; grain free. Vs. Leading honey brand (based on 35 g serving size): 3 g protein; 11 g sugar; grain based. Certified gluten-free. Vegan. Peanut free. No wheat; no corn; no rice; no dairy; no oats; no soy. Non gmo project verified. Plant based. Why make one wish when you can have three? turns out, cereal doesn’t have to be made from grains. It can actually taste great without being loaded with sugar, and you can pack in the protein without cracking an egg. So please grab a bowl and spoon – or just stick your hand in the box like we do. It’s three good to be true. – margaret ian and ellis wishingrad. Find out more (at)threewishescereal.
country of origin : united states
is gluten free : yes
is gmo free : yes
is kosher : yes
is wheat free : yes
size : 8.6 oz
pack of : 6
selling unit : case

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